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Doomlands is a first person shooter roguelite I am developing in Unity.


I have been creating the entire game myself in C# in Unity. It was paticularly interesting to design and program the proceduraly generating map of the game. Doomlands has been my first big project in both C# and Unity.


The project required me to learn many aspects of Unity for the first time. These include animating in Mecanim, lighting manipulation, importing models from blender, sound design and UI implenentation.


Ifound C# to be a wonderful language to program in, by far my favorite of languages I have used.


The game is played on a procedurally generated map with enemies and items around each corner. The algorithm that creates the map generates a level that splits off and back in on itself. Doors that you can unlock give you access to shortcuts which lead back to previous areas of the game. 


Unlike other procedurally generated games, when you die in Doomlands you respawn at a checkpoint. This means progress you make by exploring the map and unlocking doors is persistent.


I hope for Doomlands to be an experience in which the player explores more of the map over time, killing enemies and obtaining new loot. The procedural nature of the game lends itself to replaying the game, but each time you play the game you must form a mental map of the level that has been created for you, rather than jumping straight into a new forgettable version of the game each time you die.


Play the early version here: (exe file)



Doomlands 1
Doomlands 2
Doomlands 3
Doomlands 4


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